Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jython Essentials or Designing for Virtual Communities in the Service of Learning

Jython Essentials: Rapid Scripting in Java

Author: Samuele Pedroni

Jython is an implementation of the Python programming language written in 100% pure Java, so it runs under any compliant Java Virtual Machine. The secret to Jython's popularity lies in the combination of Java's libraries and tools, with Python's rapid development capabilities. With Jython, you can write Python programs that integrate seamlessly with any Java code. And like Python, Jython can be used interactively, so you can get immediate results as you are programming. Jython Essentials provides a solid introduction to the Python language, offering a brief but thorough tour of the Python concepts you'll need to understand to use Jython effectively. The book makes frequent comparisons between Python and Java, with special emphasis on the different object-oriented semantics of the two languages, so Java programmers can quickly get up to speed with Jython. Jython Essentials also covers the various ways in which Jython and Java can interact. For example, Jython code can create instances of preexisting Java classes and call methods in those instances. You can write Jython classes that are direct subclasses of existing Java classes and use introspection to discern the capabilities of JavaBeans components. This book provides examples of how to use Jython with existing Java libraries, including the Swing GUI toolkit, the JDBC database API, the Servlet API, and various XML tools. And finally, the book shows how Jython can be used as a scripting language within a Java program. With Jython Essentials, you have everything you need to start creating applications that mix the best of Python's interactivity and Java's robust libraries.

Table of Contents:
1Introduction to Jython1
2Jython Basics16
3Jython Control Flow46
4Modules and Functions66
5Object-Oriented Jython83
6Using Java from Jython104
7Inheriting from Java120
8Reflection and JavaBeans131
9Using Swing144
10Using Java Libraries161
11Jython Standard Library178
12Embedding Jython Inside Java203
13Compiling Jython218
AInstalling Jython231
BJython Options and Registry234
CJython Exceptions240
DJython and CPython Differences244
EJava-to-Python Quick Reference250

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Designing for Virtual Communities in the Service of Learning

Author: Sasha A Barab

This volume explores the theoretical, design, learning, and methodological questions relevant to designing for and researching web-based communities to support the learning process. Coming from diverse academic backgrounds, the authors examine what we do and do not know about the processes and practices of designing communities to support educational processes. Taken as a collection, the chapters point to the challenges and complex tensions that emerge when designing for a web-supported community, especially when the focal practice of the community is learning.

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